Action Plans
As part of the six-month program, participants work on Action Plans designed to improve or enhance some aspect of local community life.
These Action Plans are intended to provide the framework to allow for real-world changes in the community. Through interviews, surveys, and research, each team develops:


The action plans are modeled on the master’s projects that Sierra Nevada University students produce as part of the M.Ed. in Leadership program.
Producing an action plan prepares a team to implement a good idea, in a short period of time, with a realistic budget, through the cooperation and support of the local community. These action plans are a roadmap to effective change.
Take a Look at Previous Action Plans
2024 Action Plans

ARTober is a month-long celebration of art throughout the North Tahoe Truckee region.
Attend art workshops in a variety of mediums: music, dance, theater, film, visual arts,
culinary arts, and much more.
By banding and branding the arts together, exposure for all our local arts organizations will be improved while creating easier access for our community to seek out meaningful enrichment opportunities. Research has shown that art enrichment, regardless of the medium you use, can bolster mood, improve self-confidence, and reduce stress overall.
Tahoe Career Compass
Tahoe Career Compass is a mentorship program for young professionals and students in the Tahoe-Truckee region. Our purpose is to provide mentees the general and specific resources to build their careers. We want to prepare and retain our current and future generation of workers.
Employer Sponsored Child Care Co-Op
Child care needs are being met for less than half 42% of families with young children in the Truckee-Tahoe region. Parents wait for multiple years on child care waitlists and for those lucky to secure a spot, they often find that it is not affordable, spending more than 30% of their income on child care. Our goal is to create a private-public partnership of community stakeholders to explore creating an employer-sponsored child care co-op to address unmet child care needs in our region. Employer-sponsored child care is defined as multiple employers organizing together to provide convenient child care within or near the workplace to solve the child care needs of their working parents.
Equitable Lake Access Foundation
Our Action Plan aims to reduce barriers of access to our indigenous community members to access state parks in the Truckee-Tahoe region by designating parking spaces where free access is already offered.
Bike Wise
Develop an inclusive e-bike safety program for local residents and visitors in the Truckee region promoting education on the rules of the road, safety, and accessibility for all ages.
NESTT (Nature Education & Sustainability of Truckee/Tahoe) is a not-for-profit nature education project in the North Tahoe Region that aims to help children and adults connect with and take care of our natural environment. NEST is a collaboration between several environmental & educational organizations.
2023 Action Plans

SUN SAFE TAHOE BASIN: Sun Safe Tahoe Basin seeks to provide free education and prevention methods through free sunscreen dispensers in public parks, beaches, and schools.
Sun Safe Tahoe provides equitable access to lifesaving preventative measures by introducing free sunscreen dispensers to public spaces in the North Lake Tahoe – Truckee area. By providing educational materials and a helpful website with mapped locations, we hope to increase awareness of safe outdoor recreation and the benefits of SPF use. We will start at public beaches and parks, then increase our scope to reach public school sites in TTUSD boundaries. We hope to expand the program to private businesses with “adopted” sunscreen dispensers to customize and maintain.
CARETAKER CERTIFICATION PROGRAM: The Caretaker Certification Program (CCP) provides an opportunity for North Lake Tahoe residents to certify as a caretaker to facilitate on-site services for property owners in exchange for rent or housing at the property. Full-time residents will be able to learn and utilize a skillset through the certification process that will in turn, benefit a property owner with on-site maintenance needs. As a unique approach to affordable housing, this program offers these valuable services while expanding housing stock for locals without additional development.
TALKING TRUCKEE: This program is to create an Instagram account that targets the younger residents in the area throughout Truckee. In a humorous way, it will describe happenings in Truckee from board meetings to live music and community happenings. Never say again “I didn’t know about that!” in Truckee.
WOOD SPLITTING FOR SENIORS: The Wood Splitting for Seniors action plan aims to provide free wood splitting, delivery, and stacking for low-income elderly members of the North Tahoe/ Truckee region. The program will coordinate volunteers and provide a location and tools to split firewood for these senior citizens in need. Firewood is an essential resource for living in the mountains but procuring it can be physically arduous. Senior citizens may have issues with mobility and strength or may be unable to split and stack their own wood. We hope our program will give seniors easy access to the resources needed to heat their homes in the winter.
TAHOE CITY REC CENTER: It is cold, days are short, and it’s evening time after school or work. There isn't much to do around. Choices are slim for recreation. Do you have fitness goals for summer? Are you training for something? Do you need someone or something to motivate you? Are you in need of a new hobby or wishing for a creative outlet? Our Action Plan idea is to introduce a new Recreation Center to the North Lake Tahoe region. Supplied with a variety of activities, the center could cater to all ages, skills, and interests.
TRANSIT INCENTIVE CAMPAIGN: The current Truckee North Tahoe public transit system, TART, allows locals and visitors to travel through the region without a car. TART Connect - the on-demand micro-transit, enables individuals to make short first-mile and last-mile trips or connect to the TART Bus.
TART Bus - connects Truckee to North Lake Tahoe Along Highway 267 and Highway 89, and Mainline service allows users to travel between Sugar Pine Point State Park and Incline Village.
Despite the transit system's improvement, many people do not use public transit. We believe that if we can get a diverse range of people to try TART services, they will be more likely to use it in the future, strengthening our communities and reducing traffic congestion thereby. Our transit incentive campaign encourages people to try transit, creating a fun vibe around transit use, and supporting users with relevant information.
2022 Action Plans

GOOD NEIGHBOR PROGRAM: The purpose for this project is to introduce the Good Neighbor Policies to all homeowners, residents and visitors in the region and solicit feedback to what defines a good neighbor and how the policies could potentially be improved.
THE GARBAGE GAME: The Garbage Game will reward clean-up efforts on the Truckee River.
The Garbage Game will encourage residents and visitors to "brag" about their litter collecting skills while rafting, hiking, and biking during the summer months on the Truckee River and associated trails.
River and trail users will be encouraged to take home their own trash, as well as any trash found along the way. Participants will snap photos of their litter loot, add our Garbage Game hashtag, and post to social media each week of the summer season. By using the game hashtag and location in a social media posting, participants will be entered in weekly and monthly drawings for prizes.
All participants will be entered for a final, randomly drawn grand prize.
REWILDING TRUCKEE TAHOE: The Tahoe region is a historically sacred and fragile place that needs to be protected so this cherished region can be preserved for future generations. To help establish a stronger connection between our community and the land, we are seeking to promote a full day workshop in Spring 2023 led by local partners that helps encourage more holistic and regionally focused land management practices. This workshop will provide hands-on education about how to enrich our ecosystems, address climate change, and reduce wildfire risk.
THE TRUCKEE GEAR LIBRARY: The Truckee Gear Library is a gear lending library that will be available for individuals, families, and organizations to borrow outdoor gear for low or no cost. This action plan serves the Tahoe-Truckee Community by offering an affordable outdoor gear option to make participation in outdoor activities less expensive, easier, and more accessible for all people.
TRUCKEE DARK SKY PROGRAM: The Truckee Dark Sky Program creates year-round, social and educational opportunities for visitors and residents to observe and appreciate the night sky. It raises awareness of and generates advocacy against light pollution threats to human health, environment, climate, and culture.
2020 Action Plans
2020 Action Plans

BEar Aware >>
Mismanaged waste in residential and commercial areas leads to increased bear and wildlife activity. To combat this problem, all residents and visitors should understand the importance of keeping our community clean and the solutions available to achieve this objective. Our BEar Aware educational campaign targets the North Lake Tahoe community, in order to promote awareness – through a variety of in-person and digital channels – of existing efforts to restrict wildlife access to waste, and the roles people can play in the solution.
First Friend >>
First Friend is focused on addressing and providing a solution to the isolation issue in the North Lake Tahoe - Truckee region. We will do this by creating a digital resource for community members that encourages them to form connections with like-minded people and provide access to a comprehensive list of mental health programs. We are a group of community members who want to change perceptions, increase awareness, and form connections in order to prevent isolation and seasonal depression.
Community Connected >>
We are creating an online calendar (ideally a future app) which will act as a one-stop hub for all North Lake Tahoe/Truckee events, experiences and community updates. The calendar will be a comprehensive and accurate tool benefiting locals, visitors and local businesses. The calendar will have a simple, user-friendly interface with sorting capabilities allowing locals and visitors to easily access things to do in Tahoe in real time. The value for the businesses will be in increased brand exposure and visibility of offerings, leading to increased revenue. Additionally, this will act as a way for people to connect and be in the know regarding all timely community updates.
Give Back Locality >>
An application/website to facilitate the sharing of resources between local Tahoe-Truckee non-profits and the greater community.
Together Tahoe >>
Together Tahoe is non-profit, environmental incentive program, which utilizes the largest portion of Tahoe’s population, visitors, to give them meaningful and educational experiences through volunteerism. By providing litter clean up guidance and tools to visitors, it is an opportunity for businesses to promote their sustainable marketing strategies, helps eliminate plastics in our pristine waterways, and reduces negative wildlife impact. Participants gain a sense of belonging to this unique corner of the world and enjoy incentives at local businesses exclusive to Together Tahoe.
Wellness Welcome Bag >>
We want visitors to enjoy their stay in Tahoe and keep coming back, however, there are improvements that need to be made to make sure guests are doing their part to keep Tahoe safe, clean, and preserved for generations to come. A conservation welcome package for short term rentals is a fun and interactive way to enhance the Tahoe experience while still educating guests about conservation. These packages may include items such as the free bus schedule, local businesses that support the environment, a water bottle to encourage drinking Tahoe tap, a reusable bag to take to the grocery store , and facts about our bears, just to name a few. These welcome packages will be available in rental properties all around the basin starting as soon as Fall 2020!
2019 Action Plans

H.E.L.P For Schools >>
The Heroes of Education Learning Program (H.E.L.P.) for Schools is designed to help school volunteers get the orientation they need to be most effective while also helping teachers make the most of volunteer time. Through this program, volunteers will be able to watch instructional videos and schedule themselves for classroom time. This program will serve as a model program for other schools who need to train classroom volunteers.
Hitch Tahoe >>
HitchTahoe is a rideshare app designed to coordinate carpooling opportunities between riders and drivers for the Lake Tahoe basin and Truckee communities. HitchTahoe’s intent is to connect drivers and riders when their destinations align, helping to relieve traffic issues by reducing single-driver cars on the road and total vehicle miles traveled. This rideshare app encourages drivers to decrease their environmental impact while providing riders a safe and coordinated alternative to getting around. Hop in, hop out, share rides.
Library Up! >>
Truckee has outgrown its library. It is too small, outdated, and lacks the tools to satisfy the needs of our growing community. The Town of Truckee is considering building a new library at Truckee River Regional Park. Library Up! is an initiative to encourage the Town of Truckee to take this step.
Mobile Munchkins >>
Mobile Munchkins will be the first childcare app in the Truckee-Tahoe community to provide 24-hour, on-demand access to qualified and experienced childcare professionals in the area. Compatible with the unique needs of our community, parents will have access to a network of vetted babysitters for those last-minute, unforeseen childcare needs and our local work-force will have the ability to make additional income with flexibility to supplement any lifestyle. Local childcare; for us, by us.
Ready, Set, GO Truckee >>
For your safety, Ready Set Go Truckee encourages you take simple steps to be prepared. We will help equip people in Truckee for wildfire emergencies by implementing and inspiring Fire Wise solutions in your home and neighborhoods. When there is a fire, 75% of community members (roughly all adults 18+) will be alerted of threats, evacuations, and highway updates through Nixle (Truckee Fire and Police notifications via text and/or email). Education and outreach will include two film nights, a booth at Truckee Thursday, and a community workshop at Town Hall. All events will include pamphlets that include content on creating a Go Bag (emergency supply kit), guidance for creating defensible space around your home, and encouragement to sign up for Nixel and download the CAL FIRE ReadyforWildfire app.
Team Compost >>
We hope to develop a plan for a program outlining a residential food waste recycling program in Truckee that hosts a centralized drop-off location in town where the community can deposit their home food waste. The food waste will be collected on a weekly basis by the Tahoe Truckee Sierra Disposal company.
Food Waste Recycling leads to very important benefits for our environment. First, it prevents food waste from going into our landfills which helps significantly reduce methane emissions into the atmosphere and the need for chemical fertilizers. Additionally, with new food waste technological advances, food waste can be used to produce energy such as jet fuel, helping reduce 80 percent of carbon emissions than that of conventional petroleum fuel creates.
Tahoe Talks
TAHOE TALKS is an educational community series where experts and outside thought leaders provide informative content to provoke community discourse while encouraging meaningful interactions and connections. Attendees will be empowered to affect change in a variety of community and global issues. Each talk will present clear opportunities for mobilization, calls to action, and next steps of activism.
2018 Action Plans

Food Heroes >>
We are a group looking to secure excess food in order to redistribute it to non-profit organizations in the North Lake Tahoe/Truckee area via a food waste registry. Many businesses find they have excess food but are not aware or familiar with how to donate it or what to do with it. Subsequently, non-profit organizations in need of food will be able to sign up via the registry to claim food they may need.
Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPS) are a way business owners can gift or sell ownership in their company to their employees through stock options. ESOPS are a great way for business owners to raise capital and invest in their employees. In return employers will experience an increase in productivity and a way to extend the longevity of their business through succession planning. ESOPS really can enable business owners another option than simply closing their doors when they are ready to retire in addition to providing tax benefits which trickle down to all levels of the business. Our program will strive to educate local businesses about ESOPS and provide resources and information to help businesses leverage their capital. This will be done through creating marketing materials and a website, by creating a Truckee- Tahoe ESOP community, facilitating grant applications and holding informational webinars.
History Echoes >>
Our plan will produce a series of short videos that highlight historic events or companies and pair them with similar, modern businesses or organizations. It would be a history lesson and small business feature in one clip, designed to educate the viewer on the area’s history while highlighting local people/businesses/organizations. The clips will be accessible to the public through all social media sources and partnerships. We want people to feel a connection where they live. We want to draw support to local businesses and create an authentic sense of place.
North Tahoe-Truckee Tipsy Taxi >>
As a project for the North Lake Tahoe-Truckee Leadership Program, we are looking to research a need for the “Tahoe Tipsy Taxi”. North Tahoe/Truckee Tipsy Taxi would be a donation-based door to door transportation service provided to North Tahoe/Truckee residents every Thursday, Friday and Saturday night to reduce drunk driving.
POP on TART >>
The North Tahoe-Truckee Community is an area with no shortage of recreation and nightlife activities. Our team seeks to understand visitors' and residents' public transportation habits when going out to have a good time. Our action plan is simple: Bring sexy back.. to the bus. We want to encourage North Lake Tahoe/Truckee to use Tahoe Area Regional Transit (TART) for first chair to last call, to keep our roads safer, reduce frustrations of driving in this area, and to reduce our carbon footprint to Keep Tahoe Blue by bus. We feel that our challenge is not awareness but action. Our intent is to encourage and increase the ridership of public transportation (TART) for activities that bring people to Tahoe and keep everyone having fun. Any information you can provide regarding your public transportation usage is extremely helpful to us.
CTE Outreach >>
This project will raise the Hispanic community’s awareness of the Truckee Tahoe Unified School District’s CTE programs and improve participant in the 2018/2019 school year. These programs give students an important opportunity to succeed in today’s society.
2017 Action Plans
Reclaimed is Truckee-Tahoe’s upcycle center for re-useful materials such as furniture, building materials, appliances, sporting goods, tools, yard equipment, and household items
.Org .Gov .Tahoe >>
Org.Gov.Tahoe is an action plan to create the first online portal to increase the public’s scope of the vast and .gov services available to our community. It will provide locals and visitors alike with a portal into the world of Nonprofit organizations and government agencies around the Greater Lake Tahoe region and will provide visibility and support for the organizations and agencies.
RecycleWise >>
RecycleWise is a project to create standardized recycling throughout the North Lake Tahoe-Truckee region. The program would determine waste and inconsistencies, then create solutions and an educational component. The goal is to recycle more and waste less.
Reach for Rotary >>
Reach for Rotary is an initiative to increase Tahoe City Rotary Club membership through outreach and marketing materials. The marketing will target young professionals with the goal of increasing membership diversity.
Tahoe Global Dish >>
Tahoe Global Dish is a community pop-up dinner series featuring international cuisines not typically found in the North Lake Tahoe-Truckee region. The goal is to satisfy cravings, bolster shoulder season business, and to bring community together.
Info-On-The-Go >>
INFO-ON-THE-GO is a mobile information booth that can go where the action is welcome visitors and locals by showcasing regional attractions, events, businesses, and local environmental campaigns. The goal of the booth is to increase business visitation, create destination loyalty, and environmental stewardship.
2016 Action Plans

Truckee-Tahoe Youth Leadership Program >>
The Truckee-Tahoe Youth Leadership Program will develop the future leaders of this community. It initially will be a youth leadership development and community connection pilot program where 15 high school students will meet two days each week during the spring. These meetings will help create a community connection to build future leaders. The students will be tasked to organize a fundraiser for a local non-profit. The goal of the program is to empower teens with the skills, connections, and confidence to make a positive change in their community.
Solution to Poo-llution >>
The goals of Solution to Poo-llution are to obtain more trash receptacles along the Legacy Trail, to develop a partnership with Truckee Day to encourage waste pick up and to create dog waste friendly stickers. The overall task is to motivate Truckee residents and visitors to pick up after their dogs.
North Tahoe Winter Jazz Festival >>
The goal of the Winter Jazz Festival is to provide a world-class live musical experience on the North Shore of Lake Tahoe attracting music lovers, tourists, and locals alike. Music education will be a key component of the festival. The festival is intended to link with the back-end of Snowfest events in March.
Unbottle Truckee >>
Unbottle Truckee is a campaign to end single-use water bottle sales in Truckee. The goal is to garner public interest to spur the town council into action by created an education campaign, creating an interest group to ensure all voices are heard, and to mitigate efforts based on interest groups with concerns.
Truckee Restaurant Week >>
Truckee Restaurant Week is an idea to create prix fixe menus at participating restaurants during the shoulder season. The goal is to drive business and to provide a well-priced dinner option for locals and visitors so that they can discover their next favorite restaurant.
Clear the Walks >>
Clear the Walks is a movement to advocate for wintertime bike path access from Lake Tahoe’s West Shore to Tahoe City. The goal is to have snow cleared from Cathedral Drive to the Tahoe City Transit Center (.8 mile). Update: Because of the advocacy of this program, the Tahoe City PUD plowed 3 miles of trails in Tahoe City during the 2016-2017 winter season!
2015 Action Plans

Leave No Trace / Take Care >>
To protect the Tahoe 4th of July tradition and reduce the footprint of the celebrations, we heard a call to action: To provide trash bags at Tahoe beaches to contain trash and to provide cigarette cones to dispose of dirty cigarette butts. This program organizes volunteers and develops educational materials to inspire a culture of caretaking across residents and visitors over the 4th of July holiday.
Reside Guide >>
The Reside Guide is a web portal for living in North Tahoe and Truckee. It is a comprehensive regional online resource that includes regional issues such as recreation, transportation, housing; regional calendar; local knowledge; and how to get involved.
Truckee-Tahoe Nonprofit Directory >>
The directory was created to gather and help disseminate information about all nonprofit organizations in our area. It is the only one-stop website where locals can find the most up to date and comprehensive database of nonprofit organizations. Residents can research events, community-based resources, health, and social services as well as a donation, volunteer, and employment opportunities. This free online hub also provides nonprofit organizations a way to advertise their services.
We ARE Tahoe >>
The primary function of businesses in the tourism industry is to serve people, and the importance of employee training and development can’t be overstated, because every job, from dishwashers to managers to owners, affects the guest experience. We ARE Tahoe is the only FREE virtual one-stop training program designed to educate, engage, and empower frontline staff to remain updated about current information, area resources, and events while providing customer service staff training and positive messaging. Join us today to increase your bottom-line and grow the local North Lake Tahoe and Truckee economies.
Every 2nd Counts >>
Every 2nd Counts is a support program to bridge the gap between visitors and non-profits serving the North Lake Tahoe-Truckee area. Based on community need, our program fosters re-purposing of unwanted non-perishable food and clothing by collaborating with local property management companies and businesses creating a less wasteful and positive environment.
Truckee Roadhouse Makerspace >>
Our project is to create a community needs assessment for a local makerspace within the Tahoe-Truckee region and to facilitate and plan a fundraiser/tool drive event.
2014 Action Plans

TNT Bike Share Program >>
This project looked into providing free access to bikes and helmets in order to make the Truckee Bike Park more accessible to local youth.
Shop North Tahoe-Truckee >>
Shop North Tahoe Truckee is a branding and awareness campaign that promotes shopping locally to help grow North Lake Tahoe and Truckee business volumes year-round. The program will create business and consumer buy-in through stickers and marketing. This will provide education and ultimately influence spending decisions and habits.
Clothesline Tahoe >>
Clothesline Tahoe is a community outreach program aimed at educating users on saving energy and valuable resources by promoting the use of clotheslines rather than drying machines in the region. Hang-drying laundry saves money, consumes less energy, makes homes safer, and prolongs the life of clothing.
Truckee-Tahoe Conservation Awareness Program >>
Xeriscape 101 is a movement to raise awareness of landscaping strategies that can be implemented as part of a more comprehensive water conservation plan in response to the drought.
Truckee-Tahoe Official Work Net is a trusted, non-profit source for actual work, whether it is someone that needs their driveway shoveled, a mural painted, a civil engineer, an assistant or a pilot to fly them to San Francisco. For a nominal fee, TTOWN connects people who want to work and get paid with employers who want to treat people fairly and get a job done well!
Tahoe Mountain Food Coop >>
Tahoe Mountain Food Co-Op is an affordable, membership-based Co-Op grocery store that brings, locally farmed, sustainably produced food to the North Lake Tahoe community. We are able to offer lower prices to our members for exceptional quality food because our members work a short monthly shift in return for a 15% discount.
Past Action Plans

Tame The Flame >>
This project was designed for North Tahoe area homeowners and renters to gain a better understanding of homefire prevention practices.
Tahoe Food Hub >>
The Tahoe Food Hub will bring organic food from small producers within 150-miles and make it available for wholesale distribution in North Lake Tahoe.
Professionals of Truckee-Tahoe >>
PTT will provide professionals in the area with the chance to network, connect with the community, learn about local career opportunities, and to build new friendships.
The Tahoe Mind >>
The Tahoe Mind is a project dedicated to helping diversify the North Lake Tahoe-Truckee Community by providing mentoring resources to entrepreneurs looking to develop and expand businesses in the Tahoe Region that are not solely tourist dependant.
Professional Housing Solutions >>
PH Solutions is a project designed to strengthen the North Lake Tahoe-Truckee Community by providing a vital link between unused second homes and the hard to find a responsible and professional tenant.
Arts for the Heart >>
This project outlines the need for and the idea of a fundraising program for North Lake Tahoe arts programs.
Health Indicators >>
The Health Indicators Project pertaining to Awareness and Participation in Cancer Programs is a study to determine what the special needs are of cancer patients and families in the surrounding community, how can the community become informed, and if interested, how can they participate.
The Marketing Toolkit >>
The Marketing Toolkit Workshop is a seminar to be given with the goal of providing educational material and in-sight for “Maximizing Marketing Efficiency for Your Small Business.”
Walkability Assessment North Tahoe-Truckee >>
This report will display the value of walking and walkability and report on information gathered at public workshops, local government and master plan guidelines and various websites that led to our development of the Walkability Assessment in North Tahoe Truckee (WANTT) tool.
Compost Group Placer >>
This project presents a first-step solution to the challenge of informing the general public about how to compost and why compost in the Tahoe Region.
Tahoe-Truckee Experiment >>
The goal of this project was to research methods to create and manage a resource for Truckee and North Lake Tahoe community members to turn to for civic awareness.
Kings Beach Commercial Core Improvement Project >>
In any community, decisions that impact residents, businesses, and visitors, can at best, be controversial, and at worst, divisive. The goal of this project was to use one such issue and its related public meetings as an opportunity to assess the methods of communication, and as a case study to provide recommendations for future such projects in the area.
Sustainability Made Simple >>
This program is designed to educate and influence North Tahoe and Truckee residents and visitors to take steps to keep the local wildlife, resources, and environment healthy and thriving via Shots of Sustainability.
North Lake Tahoe Community Garden >>
Project is to develop a fruit and vegetable garden within the Kings Beach community which will create opportunities for social gathering, beautification, education and recreation